I spoke too soon

What the actual hell?

Guess I called the end of cozy season a day too soon. There’s about 2 inches (and counting) of snow on the patio chairs. Cross your fingers for all the blooming things.

Seriously. This was TWO days ago. Last Thursday we were 75 and sunny. I’ve put all my warm sweaters away! (sigh)

It is a little past 7:00 AM and we are on a 2-hour delay (Portland) and it’s coming down even harder than it did when I took the video. We’ve just gone above freezing, but we’ve got snow forecast until 10:00.


Kids who show up to school are gonna be super-focused in class today.

Oh-update: We are now closed!

I am never one to look a snow day gift in the mouth. Off to make cookies! And snuggle with Daisy.

(These are healthy breakfast cookies. I eat one every school morning. Recipe.)

17 thoughts on “I spoke too soon

    • Rita says:

      We are NOT used to this kind of thing here! It was all pretty much gone by the end of the day Monday, and I’m lucky that my power didn’t go out. I was able to get in a bonus day of skating this week, so it was all good. šŸ™‚

  1. Stephenie Campbell says:

    Ohhhh my gosh, what a gift!! Nothing better than a surprise storm day at home. Even if it is in April! šŸ˜‚ The perfect time to do whatever the heck you want, completely guilt-free. Enjoy! Hmmm, now daydreaming about what i would doā€¦ books, cats, tea, maybe a collage? Definitely more tea.

    • Rita says:

      Yes, you are my kind of snow day person! I’m just realizing I haven’t had my tea yet. šŸ™‚ There will be some cost to this day later this week (getting to the end of a grading period at school, and this will create some crunch), but today I am going to revel in the unseasonable beauty. (And cross my fingers this doesn’t kill any plants. Just watched a big limb break off a neighbor’s tree.)

    • Rita says:

      Spring IS a trickster! I am trying to roll with it and enjoy the bonus day off (even though it will mess with my week). Because, what can you do?

  2. TD says:

    Last night I enjoyed your spring sneak preview, but was distracted by my craving for bananas. I bought ingredients to make banana nut bread on Wednesday. I typically do not crave fruit, but pressure myself to eat a little.

    Threats to throw something through my window by my neighborā€™s son, (60 something year old), sent me into hide with Yorkie in my bed in the back of my home mode while the man honked his truckā€™s horn in the street in front of my home for over an hour. I went to peak out the window periodically to check on the status. Apparently I triggered something within him to cause his rage for attention. (more to the story than I know)

    I blinked missing my Home Anniversary Thursday and Yorkieā€™s milestone tenth birthday on Friday. Meanwhile, I ate all six bananas in hiding; last night ate three in a row crawling into bed to read your post. And I worried about eating that many bananas! No bananas left for my craving for banana nut bread which the ingredients are still sitting on the kitchen counter.

    And now I see your banana cookie recipe! And SNOW!!

    • Rita says:

      That incident with your neighbor sounds really frightening. I’m sorry you had to endure that. Congratulations on your home anniversary and Yorkie’s birthday! Hoping you can enjoy those positives and let the rest go. That neighbor sounds like someone to steer clear of.

      • TD says:

        I agree that it is in my best interest to no longer engage with my southeast side neighbor and family as they come and go once or twice daily to care take the 83-85yo mother who lives there alone. The driveway looks like one driveway, but our property line is divided 10ā€™ mine and 10ā€™ theirs. My favorite rooms which Iā€™m in most of my time (if Iā€™m not outside) is my tv sunroom and my bedroom windows face the driveway. So I see the continuous ongoing out my windows. It feels like the mother is my roommate, but I know that is not fact. Thatā€™s how much we see each other. They see me and I see them. :/

        The active neighbor 84 yo man across the street and the 76 yo man down the street did engage the honking man when it was happening to figure out what was going on. The active neighbor small chats with me weekly and was kind enough to come check on me and tell me of the neighborā€™sā€™ threat. Iā€™m glad that family is aware of the situation.

        As you might imagine, I have not been sleeping well at night as Iā€™m slowly working through ā€œletting goā€ and trying to learn another new normal.

        I agree with you that for my own safety and wellness that I will steer clear of theses people. (Such close property proximity will be difficult to navigate though). I am thinking that I shouldnā€™t engage in conversation at all with any of them.

        This seems rude of me to me. And it does not sync with the ā€œkindnessā€ philosophy, yet maybe it does sync with the live within ā€œpeaceā€ philosophy.

        Sorry this comment is so long, Rita. I welcome and appreciate your advice.

        • Rita says:

          I hesitate to give any advice when I don’t really know the situation. I’m sure you will find your way to a solution that will work for you. I’m glad to know you have other neighbors you feel safe with and who are willing to step in and provide some assistance. My grandparents had the kind of driveway you describe. I’m realizing how fortunate they were to always have kind neighbors. In my grandmother’s later years, when she lived there alone, we took comfort in knowing that the couple across the driveway kept an eye out for her. Perhaps the mother’s children are under some kind of strain or are worried about her, and that is impacting their interactions with you. Sending you good wishes for no further trouble with them.

  3. TD says:

    I want to say that Your front yard and flowers are beautiful. And even with the snow on them, the scenery is beautiful too!

    • Rita says:

      Thank you so much. We are really enjoying the garden this year. Seeing the results of several years efforts with it. Things just take time, don’t they?

  4. Debs Carey says:

    Oh no…. I hope your gorgeous spring blooms survive unscathed. We’re going through some up & down weathers here in the UK too. Fortunately we live in the southeast where it rarely snows (fingers crossed I’ve not jinxed it).

    • Rita says:

      They seem to be OK! The tulips were already beginning to fade, so I don’t expect them to bounce back. I’m happy that nothing seemed too worse for wear. We’ve seen several large limbs broken off trees in our neighborhood, and we’re thankful that none of ours were damaged. Hope things stay calm in your part of the world. šŸ™‚

  5. Kate says:

    Iā€™m glad Iā€™m reading your comments that you didnā€™t have too many negative impacts and that you got to enjoy a snow day! Weā€™ve had horrid weather all week. Cold. Warm. Cold. Rain. Snow. Thunderstorms. Hail. Rain. A blink of sun. Snow. A friend sent a meme that said ā€œif the weather canā€™t be nice for two days in a row, neither can Iā€ and I got the biggest laugh because I (who loves winter) am OVER it and ready to move on. But itā€™s April.

    Those cookies look like a perfect breakfast solution. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

    • Rita says:

      We had horrid weather all week, too! It’s been dark and rainy with hail and really cold temperatures! I also love winter and I am also over it! I hope things turn warmer for you soon. šŸ™‚

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