I spent a fair amount of time yesterday writing a post I’m not going to share.
Writing is my way of processing what’s happening, and it served that purpose, but even I am just not all that interested in my perspective on what’s happening in my country–so I’m not going to share it here.
I am weary of so many people I know pontificating on social media when, frankly, they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. And, sorry(notsorry), their opinions (and mine) just aren’t as important as those of others who know more than we do. I’m thinking I don’t need to join the cacophany of white noise any more than I already have.
I think the best thing I can do as a white person is shut the hell up and listen.
Here are a few voices that need amplification far more than mine:
A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed-Up’-rising (from The Root)
George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show (Trevor Noah)
Remember, No One Is Coming to Save Us (Roxanne Gay)
Thank you for sharing what you have, even if you didn’t share the post you wrote yesterday. I watched the Trevor Noah piece today and had goosebumps in multiple places.
I don’t know if you are on instagram at all, but one of the woman I follow, @Rachel.cargyle, has really been making me uncomfortable in the best kind of way all year. I recommend her to anyone who wants to listen and learn about race in the country.
On a happy note (which doesn’t seem appropriate, but I’m both/and-ing like it’s my job these days), I somehow missed your post about Grace’s graduation “party”. I’m so glad she’s home and you had the opportunity to celebrate her. What an amazing accomplishment during a really difficult time. I wish you both well in finding the next steps. XOXO.
Kate recently posted…42.
Thank you for being gracious in the face of my really sour mood. And also for pointing me to a good source of the right kinds of discomfort. I’ll be sure to check her out (though I’m hardly ever on Instagram).
I think I told you this but I will say it again, I would read the post you write about the contents of a soup can.
I am in the midst of a migraine cycle and I know you can relate. You are my migraine buddy and do I wish you lived closer right now.
Oh, I just published a tater tot post. I hope that can brighten both of our days.
Love you, friend.
Kari Wagner Hoban recently posted…Screw It I’m Eating Tater Tots-Part 14
Your tater tot posts always brighten my day! I’m so sorry about the migraine. I wished we lived closer, too. I’d sit with you by that lovely new fire pit of yours. Take care of yourself.