“Break” has more than one meaning

So, about that August Break project…

Typically, when I think of “break” in the context of summer, it is the enjoyable kind of break–a break in routine that allows us to rest, restore, rejuvenate.

My second week in Susannah Conway’s August break project reminded me of the other meaning of break:  Things coming apart. This week was more about that kind of break than the first one, which has everything to do with why I only have photos for 4 days.

Here they are:

august break earth

august break edge

august break yellow

august break talisman

Of course, sometimes breaks are necessary to get to a better place:  There could be no break-throughs without the coming apart of something–an idea, a belief, a viewpoint, a stance.

There is, in each of these images, a story of breaking through. If I told them all, this post would be far too long. So, let’s make this blog a bit of a choose your own adventure affair:

Please tell me, dear readers, which story you’d like to read by leaving me a quick note in the comments. At the end of the week, I’ll write a post about the image that got the most votes.


11 thoughts on ““Break” has more than one meaning

  1. Pamela Keown says:

    Rita – I honestly wish to hear each story. But that is not what you asked of me. So my choice is Yellow. (Perhaps the others will, months down the road, get their day in the sun.)

    (personal– I LOVE your posts–you seem like an old high school friend and we are catching up)

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