Wednesday Words: 2.24.16




I’ve had a post brewing about Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird ever since Go Set a Watchman was published last summer. I pulled it out over the weekend and worked on it some more, but it’s not quite there yet. In the meantime, I’ll offer up this.

Sleeping Man Photo Credit: nSeika via Compfight cc

Woman Photo Credit: vision63 via Compfight cc

Black Lives Matter Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue via Compfight cc

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Words: 2.24.16

  1. Marian says:

    This post, especially the first photo and quote, has gotten me thinking of invisible knapsacks, which are (I think) usually reserved for describing either male or white privilege. But I’ve been thinking for a long time that there’s a whole host of other “things” that can be pulled from that knapsack which can confer advantages to a person. So in the case of Atticus’ judgement of the Ewells, my mind automatically goes to the question, Have the Ewells ever been taught how NOT to live like animals? Or are they in a nearly-inescapable cycle of poverty and ignorance, in which case they perhaps deserve pity rather than a harsh judgement? Or is it the reverse: does recognizing that a person has a completely empty knapsack simply reinforce a victim mentality? I was raised by an über-pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps father, and when I was younger I did think it was possible for ANYONE to raise themselves out of *whatever*. I no longer believe that, but find I’m not really comfortable with thinking that either, because it seems so awfully lacking in hope.

    (BTW: your new ‘do is fabulous 🙂 ) .
    Marian recently posted…My Husband May Be Turning Into a Vegan ActivistMy Profile

    • Rita says:

      Yes, my feelings have much to do with knapsacks. I need to finish the post, but it’s been a week and I haven’t even looked at it in days. I’m interested in how perceptions of a work can change, about the filters we have that are so much a part of us we don’t even realize we have them. We just accept our view as some kind of objective reality, when it’s all subjective. I was trying to explore that a bit in these word/image combinations.

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